Rival Star Hero BitSummit photos

Tons of gamers attended BitSummit last weekend in Kyoto to check out the latest indie games. An early alpha build of Rival Star Hero was playable at the Degica booth where players stepped up to challenge their friends in 2-player versus battles. 

Degica setting up their booth for BitSummit Degica setting up their booth for BitSummit Gamers line up to play Rival Star Hero Gamers line up to play Rival Star Hero

Degica featured Rival Star Hero during the BitSummit Twitch stream. Watch it here. (Starts at about 06:31:00)

Degica on the BitSummit Twitch stream Degica on the BitSummit Twitch stream

Rival Star Hero is scheduled for release in 2018 on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.

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